
Why is there such an increase in Infertility?

Approaching an Infertility problem needs to be met in a series of steps. If we look to nature to discover why infertility prevails in populations we find  an increase in infertility when there is a famine of sufficient nutrients for that population. The birth rate goes down dramatically in response to the lack of sufficient nutrient resources in the environment. This is a natural response to preserve the strength of each species. Lack of essential nutrients ultimately contributes to birth defects, so Nature protects the species by preventing reproduction until the nutrient deficiency has been addressed.

If you’re encountering an infertility problem yourself, the first step you need to address is to ensure your own body has a full complement of all the essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, prebiotics, probiotics and essential fatty acids needed for your own optimum health, and ultimately your child’s optimum health.

Dr Joel Wallach found in veterinary science that approximately 98% of birth defects were eradicated when full nutrition was given to the animal populations being treated. That’s when he decided to transfer his veterinary knowledge to human care and attained his degree in Naturopathy. He has since brought 60 years of research into soil health (via his Agricultural degree), animal health (via his Veterinary degree), and human health (via his Naturopathic degree), into his Healthy Body Start Pak which delivers all 90 essential nutrients the body needs to sustain optimum health. He has put together all the essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, prebiotics, probiotics and essential fatty acids in the optimum balance for maximum absorption by the body. The end result is a pack which delivers the highest level of bioavailability due to its basis of colloidal plant based minerals. These minerals act as powerful co-factors that assist the body to absorb all the nutrients it needs to return to full health.

To increase the benefit of Dr Wallach’s nutritional program, he recommends firstly addressing the health of your digestive system. Watch Dr Glidden’s video on the importance of a healthy digestive system. To ensure your return to full nutrition he advises beginning with the Healthy Body Digestion Pak which includes valuable plant Enzymes to build healthy levels of stomach acid, and healthy bacteria Flora to support your gut health. A healthy digestive system provides the solid foundation for your return to optimum health.

Once you address this issue of full nutrition you can then move on to adding in specialised nutrients to stimulate fertility such as Youngevity’s Xera Fem hormonal support for women and Xera Test hormonal support for men.

Many people around the world have successfully become pregnant after supplementing with Dr Wallach’s 90 for Life nutritional packs plus the specialty hormonal support products XeraFem and XeraTest.









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